Design Through 3DExperience Collaboration

Food for thought

Sustainable production is one of the key trends of the 4th Industrial Revolution*. With the world’s population expected to balloon from 7 billion today to 11 billion by the end of the century, sustainable food production is a growing priority among governments, scientists and business. “We need to double our food production by 2050 if we are to satisfy requirements on a global scale,” said Thomas Böck, executive board technology & systems at CLAAS group, a world leading agricultural equipment manufacturer whose combines, forage harvesters, balers and tractors are renowned for their technology and quality. (*1 Like its predecessors, the 4th Industrial Revolution is a transition to new manufacturing processes. It is characterized by social, “smart” and flexible production methods, including the use of new technologies to create goods that better match customer and consumer expectations.

“When you look at the last 20 to 30 years, technological advances in machinery were linked to size and horsepower,” Böck said. “Today the focus is more on intelligent, energy efficient machines that accomplish more while keeping operational costs to a minimum. It is these machines that have the preference of farmers who speak less about machine power or productivity and more about resource efficiency. They need to effectively harvest farmland and use water and energy resources as well as technology wisely to achieve more output - a greater harvest,” he said. “At CLAAS, we know that agricultural equipment is increasingly equipped with smart technology to be IOT-ready and manage working processes automatically increasing the efficiency throughout the whole production process.”

James Gray